Friday, July 27, 2007

We've moved

I've moved my blog to my own domain, go to and BEHOLD, the beauty of.., uh, the same stuff... only different. Well, not really. But go there anyways. I won't be posting to this one any more. Cheers.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Code Tells You How, Revision History Tells You Why

I had a little rant on commenting style and it seems that Jeff Atwood has beat me to it. Well, here's my rant anyway.

There are three different components I care about when reading code: "The How", "The Why", and "The What".

"The How" is the code. The very essence of code is to tell the computer how to do something. It's not 'what' to do, because that is open to interpretation, you might be trying to do something (what) and telling the computer to do something else (how). I don't need comments for the how, I can read the code. An example of a bad "how" comment is:

/* assign 0 to all flags */
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) things[i]->flag = 0;
I can see you're setting all flags to zero. Thanks for the non-information.

"The What". This is the interpretation of "The How". Basically, it's what that code is trying to accomplish. For instance:

/* clear all flags */
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) things[i]->flags = 0;
At least now I know what zero means. But it still doesn't tell me a lot. As a matter of fact, it's rare when I need to know "The What". If I need comments to know "The What", the code is probably poorly written. I should be able to infer "The What" from "The How".

"The Why". This is what I really care about. Why is this piece of code like this? Why not some other way? What was in the programmer's mind when he wrote that piece of code? What alternatives were considered and discarded? Why were they discarded?

/* We're on a deadline and I don't understand why the flags
* array is getting corrupted. Clearing all flags seems to
* fix it, but there is a deeper issue here that needs
* investigating
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) things[i]->flags = 0;
Ah, much better now. I've gained some insight into the programmer's mind, so later when I'm working on the code I can make sense of this line. Basically, I can answer the question: "Why was this added?"

But wait, there are problems with this approach.

First of all, you're using up 5 lines of comments for 1 line of code. That's verbose, but not the worst of the problems.

What's worse is that if I'm just skimming the code because I'm trying to solve some other problem for which I don't really care about this particular line, you're going to make me stumble. I'm going to read that comment, remember that I once knew of a way in which the flags could get corrupted and spend the next 1/2 day chasing an issue that has a workaround. Your nice comments are on my face when I don't need them.

Even worse, this style also leads to comments needing maintenance. The code will change, and the comment won't be updated with the change. You'll get

/* We're on a deadline and I don't understand why the flags
* array is getting corrupted. Clearing all flags seems to
* fix it, but there is a deeper issue here that needs
* investigating
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (things[i]->flags & FLAG_INIT) things[i]->flags = 0;
Whoa there buddy! You're saying that flags were getting corrupted and now you're using them? How can you trust them? Either the comment is wrong or the code is wrong.

What probably happened was that some programmer didn't read the comment (or read it but forgot to change it) and found a convenient place for putting his change. Now understanding this piece of code has been made harder than it should be.

And all of this is just looking at code statically. Code is organic, it grows, it changes, it evolves.

There aren't a lot of comments in the BitKeeper source base because we rely heavily on the Source Control system to answer the "Why" questions. So you'll see the above code as:
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) things[i]->flags = 0;
No comments whatsoever. However, if you need to understand what was going on, you can get the annotated version:
ob 1.123.21: for (i = 0; i < length; i++) things[i]->flags = 0;
and see the comments for the ChangeSet 1.123.21:
ChangeSet@1.123.21, 2006-07-21 10:45:34-07:00, +1 -0
Fix bug 2004-10-21: app crashes when restarting
src/main.c@1.23, 2006-06-29 19:40:46-07:00, +1 -0
We're on a deadline and I don't understand why the flags
array is getting corrupted. Clearing all flags seems to
fix it, but there is a deeper issue here that needs
Now the information is there, but it's not in my face unless I need it.

Note that when looking at code this way, the question "What changed?" is trivially answered by the diffs and therefore doesn't need to be answered by the comments. E.g. the following are really bad comments:
src/main.c@1.23, 2006-06-29 19:40:46-07:00, +1 -0
Add code to clear the flags
Well, duh! I can see that from the diffs!
@@ -274,6 +278,7 @@
things = getThings(x, y, z);
length = getLenght(things);
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) things->flags = 0;
I can see that you added code to clear the flags, why did you do it? That's the interesting bit.

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Spotlight (part deux)

After reading some comments about how Spotlight just works for other people, and talking with some friends that have Spotlight turned on, I started doubting that it was so bad. It turns out that when I got the MacBook Pro, I transfered about 40 GB of stuff from my old laptop, and apparently it also transfered a corrupt Spotlight Index.

So after running:

# mdutil -E /
and turning Spotlight back on, I'm no longer seeing the performance problems I had. All thanks to the comments. And I didn't think anybody read this blog :)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Spotlight must die (or get its act straight)

I just got a new MacBook Pro, and had it for about a week. What I discovered was that the machine wasn't as snappy as I thought it would be. It's a CORE DUO for Christ's sake, it has not one, but TWO cores, it has 2 GB of freaking RAM! It should be the fastest box around! But no, it's slow and every once in a while it just locks up for about 5 seconds.

After some fun with fs_usage trying to figure out what was going on, I found the culprit: Spotlight. See, spotlight interacts VERY VERY badly with the file system cache, and since Mac OS X has a unified cache, with the VM cache. This means that while the OS is trying really hard to keep your working set in memory, spotlight (a.k.a. mdimport) is indexing stuff and therefore causing unnecessary flushes of the cache.

The solution? Turn it off. Just run 'mdutil -i off /' and edit /etc/hostconfig to set "SPOTLIGHT=-NO-" and be done with it. Or if you don't want to even type that, get Spotless and click away. Go ahead, I'll wait.

The problems? Mail no longer searches, and no easy and quick way to launch applications. I installed QuickSilver for the application launching part, and will figure out if I can find an alternative for searching mail. But it's worth it.

My machine is SUPER FAST now, and the disk is quiet all the time. Processors are mostly idle if I'm not doing anything, ah the sound of a high performance machine...

How badly does Google Desktop Search hinder performance under Windows?

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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I Believe, I Believe...


And on the seventh day He said, "Oh, one more thing..."
-Jobs 3:15

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A nerdish way to spend an evening

  • Get a laptop
  • Install stellarium
  • Go outside and bring:
  • binoculars or a telescope if you have one
  • a bottle of wine (or beer)
  • cheese
  • a blanket
Try a spot where there are no lights. It's hard if you're in the city, but it's really nice when there is darkness around.

Launch stellarium, see the sky. Enjoy.

I'm human, so sue me

Developers 'should be liable' for security holes - ZDNet UK News:
Making developers liable for security exploits is a stupid idea. The first problem with it is, who do we blame? Most of the security bugs nowadays are not your typical buffer overflow kind, which could have been prevented with careful programming. Most of the security bugs today have to do with interactions between system components. Let me explain.

There are two kinds of bugs, security or otherwise. Bugs that reflect the programmers lack of knowledge of a well established coding practice or API usage, and bugs that unless you have actually written the same code before in the same circumstances, you could not have predicted would occur.

If a web programmer takes a string from a user in a web form, and then passes that string unquoted to a shell, that programmer shouldn't be allowed within 15 feet of a web app. If a programmer writes a piece of code that interacts with other pieces of code, and the resulting interaction has a bug (which might be exploitable), we have an interaction bug. It's one of those "How could I have known?" moments we've all had. And if you sit and think about all the possible interactions before writing any code, you never get anything done.

What about liability? Assuming you have a sensible version control system in place, you can ask the question "Who wrote this pice of crap?" and get an answer. But who do you blame when the security bug is a result of a combination of changing APIs, implementing new features, fixing old bugs, etc. The answer to "Who wrote this piece of crap?" is "a group of programmers working at different times". For the web app example, some of the code might have been written when it wasn't a web app at all. There is human history in the code. It was written by humans.

And humans make mistakes. There is no way to avoid that. We just screw up every once in a while. Depending on how much you have to pay for your mistakes, you might be afraid of doing anything daring again. For instance, if I write a little application (single author, so all the bugs are mine), and get sued because it has a security bug, guess how many more applications I'll be writing. None. The cost of making a mistake is too expensive.

If companies are liable, you're just moving the problem to management. Companies get sued, so they are hesitant to put new applications out there. Applications that are not being used are not being debugged, and are thus less secure.

Markus Ranum wrote a great piece about this subject called Inviting Cockroaches to the Feast. It's a very good read.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

First BitMover Regatta

Last week we had the First BitMover Regatta. On Tuesday, BitMover rented a bunch of sailboats, and a group of employees raced across the San Francisco Bay. It was my first time on a sailboat, and I had an excellent time. I had been on a Yacht before, deep sea fishing, but sailboats are an entirely different experience. Now I understand why Evi is sailing across the world. Sailing is too cool.

At around noon, we drove to Sausalito, where the sailboats were waiting for us in the dock. We divided in 3-person teams, and each team got a sailboat and a skipper. The skipper's role was giving us directions and basically taking care of us since not many 49729020_e9551acccb_m_d.jpgpeople had sailed before. At the dock, we found our sailboat, a 42-foot Bēnēteau 423. The Bēnēteau 423 was one of the top 10 sailboats of 2003 according to Sail Magazine, and it's price is around $165,000. Not bad at all! Upon boarding the sailboat, we met Stan, our skipper, who had been in the Coast Guard for 20 years before becoming a sailing instructor for the Modern Sailing Academy in Sausalito. He explained all the boat terminology (port is left, starboard is right when facing the ship's front, or rather, the bow). And taught us how to work the sails. We used the motor to get out of the docks, hung around the start line until the race started, and set sail towards San Francisco.

Stan asked for a volunteer to take the helm (steering wheel) and I immediately stepped forward (knowing that working the helm would be easier than pulling all the49729012 0845F124D8 M D ropes). Since I had never been in a sailboat, I didn't expect it to lean that much. It's a little scary at first, but I was assured by Stan that they don't tip over under normal conditions (i.e. not in a hurricane). Driving that thing was fun, but it required a lot of attention. Basically if you let your attention drift for 10 seconds, you would slightly change course and lose the lift. If you lose the lift often enough, your skipper can order a Keelhauling, which I've been told is not pleasant. I must have done allright because we were going at about 3 knots towards San Francisco.
49728995 3537Ee9792 M D
It took us a while to find the buoy where we were supposed to turn, but after a while, we found it and headed towards the bay bridge. We were going with the wind, which is really cool because you can go really, really fast. The course took us around Alcatraz, the famous prison where Al Capone was an inmate.

AlcatrazSeeing Alcatraz up close was quite a thrill. I have wanted to go to Alcatraz since 1994, when I first visited San Francisco, but because of various reasons, I have never taken a tour of "The Rock". After we went around Alcatraz, we headed back towards Sausalito, and the finish line. During that last segment, even though we were going more or less against the wind, we did a pretty good time. We won the race, crossing the finish line 7 minutes before the next sailboat.

We didn't have to return the boat until 5:00 pm, and we crossed the finish line at around 4:00 pm. What could we do in an hour? Well, that wasn't a hard decision, we convinced our skipper to take us to the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge. We set sail and managed to go
Golden Gate Bridge to the other side. It was amazing being under the bridge. We got a little taste of the ocean too, with a slightly rougher sea than what the bay had been. After a quick turn, we got back to the dock, returned the sailboat and called it a day.
Once we were in the land again, we were tired and hungry. We headed to the Buckeye Roadhouse in Mill Valley for dinner, and what a dinner we had! If you ever go to the Buckeye, try the Ahi tuna appetizer. It's unbelievably good.

After this first taste of sailing, I'm left wanting to learn how to sail. Who knows, maybe when I retire, I'll buy a sailboat and follow Evi's course around the World.

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